Life is worth resounding.


Pleasure to meet you.
I’m Fred Odom.

Stage Host, Speaker, & Coach

I’m stubborn in my belief that every person was made to reverberate into the world.

So, whether you are running an event, preparing a pitch, or hoping to better communicate who you are (not just what you do) – I am here for it.

Over the last decade, I’ve spoken to groups ranging from 9 (we all start somewhere 😄) to 9,000 and have come to understand the power of message development and delivery. Using what I have learned and continue to learn from the stage, I enjoy helping leaders connect in meaningful ways with their audience.

I can help weave together each element of your event so it feels like one fluid conversation between the stage and the audience

Stage Hosting


I’m hired for keynotes on Messages that Resonate, Discover Your Voice, and custom tailored talks.

I work with cohorts and individuals to help them develop as communicators.


There is, in you, something that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself.

- Howard Thurman

The Sound of the Genuine
Spelman College
Baccalaureate Ceremony, 1980